Francesca Pase

Lea Glaubig

Michele Baldo

Vlad Mardare

Maria Chiara Giangregorio
COVID has increased uncertainty regarding lab access for students. We must make sure that during the pandemic students have the same opportunities as before. We will apply pressure to maintain access for master thesis and internships abroad.
2. Digitalization
A high level of digitalization has been attained as a consequence of COVID. Now we can download lessons, and have instant access to lecture materials. If a student misses class it's not the end of the world anymore. These advantages must not be transitory and have to be maintained together with the high teaching quality.
3. Orientation/Taxes/Rent support
To improve the Welcome Team experience specialized colleagues will help with finding accommodation, esse3, taxes and CLA Italian courses. The aim is a 1:1 correspondence between student SME and College offices.
4. Italian courses
Since a great part of our colleagues are internationals, it is fundamental to ease access to italian courses to be better integrated in the local community. We are considering the feasibility of italian courses in Rovereto.
5. Python for neuroscience
Since the language that is more looked for in the private sector is Python and Neuroscience students do not formally learn it, integrating it in the MATLAB course would give us a basis to better explore Python on our own.
6. Career support
Studying is easier and more motivating with a well defined plan for the future in mind. A better understanding of how it is to work in a lab, in academia and the private sector early on will enable us to plan and tailor our studies for our future development.
7. Online exam session information
What happens if you lose connection during an exam? How do you set up your cell phone for Zoom? How do we access moodle with the exam information? How do we make sure everything runs smoothly? These questions need clear answers before the exam season.
8. Study quality
We will help tailor an optimal way for harder courses in general to make them more manageable. Implementing a stable feedback system and online anonymous questionnaires will be useful for us and the teachers to know how things are going.
9. Printing Problems
There are ways to make the printing stations in Palazzo Piomarta accessible again. With exam season closing in, we need to be able to print materials without spending a fortune in local shops.